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"Nutshell er både enkel og kraftfuld

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Plans to Grow Your Revenue

Enterprise Power, Small Business Simplicity

  • Sales & CRM software for any stage of business
  • Powerful Email Marketing & Landing Page software for your Marketing Team
  • SMS directly in your CRM
  • Integrations to keep you and your team efficient
  • Let at bruge. Let at sælge. Det er Nutshell.

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Four badges that Nutshell earned in 2023

Choose your Sales Suite plan

Nutshell Sales is our flagship product featuring a robust CRM. Higher tiers include additional features like personal email sequences and scheduling software to help your business close more deals.

Your Estimated Cost $504 per year

An easy to use, flexible CRM that helps teams organize their contacts, leads, and conversations in order to grow.

$13 per user per month

Included in all plans:

  • Unlimited storage, contacts & accounts
  • Kontaktstyring og tidslinjer for kommunikation
  • E-mail- og kalendersynkronisering
  • Enkelt salgspipeline, der kan tilpasses
  • Gratis live support
  • *Foundation has a 100 active leads limit
Start gratis prøveperiode

Perfect for small teams that need more reporting capabilities to help improve performance.

$25 per user per month

Everything in Foundation, plus:

  • Activity and Email reports
  • Sales and Activity quotas
  • Mål for pipeline-fasen
  • Up to 25 custom fields
  • No open leads limit
Start gratis prøveperiode

For teams that need CRM, sales automation, advanced reporting, and multiple pipelines to help you connect and close more leads.

$42 per user per month

Everything in Growth, plus:

  • 5 customizable pipelines
  • Automatisering af salg
  • Personlige e-mail-sekvenser
  • Fuld rapporteringspakke, herunder aktivitets-, tragt- og prognoserapporter
  • Meeting scheduling software (lite version)
Start gratis prøveperiode
Best Value

For teams and organizations that need deeper customization, change logs, and AI features to improve efficiency.

$59 per user per month

Everything in Pro, plus:

  • Increased pipelines, territories, markets, teams and more
  • Unlimited Notetaker usage (AI powered speech-to-text transcription)
  • Meeting scheduling software (full version)
  • Audit log and changelog
  • Send email templates directly from Gmail
Start gratis prøveperiode

For teams and organizations that need complete custom reporting, access controls, custom SQL access and no limits.

$79 per user per month


Everything in Business, plus:

  • Ubegrænsede rørledninger
  • Unlimited custom fields, teams, currencies and territories
  • Skrivebeskyttet SQL-adgang
  • Flere valutaer
  • Gratis planlagt telefonsupport
  • API-understøttelse
Start gratis prøveperiode

Choose your Marketing Suite plan

Support your sales efforts with marketing tools including web forms and email campaigns. Marketing Foundation is included for free with any Nutshell Sales subscription. Marketing Pro adds a landing page builder and SMS capabilities. Nutshell Marketing is billed per company rather than per user.

Email Marketing Contacts

Add 100 contacts
100 500,000

Dine anslåede omkostninger

*Nutshell Marketing is only available with an active Nutshell Sales subscription.
*Additional SMS messages can be purchased as an add-on to Engagement Pro or Marketing Pro.

Basic Marketing features included with your Nutshell Sales subscription.

$0 per month

Included in all plans:

  • Website buyer journey
  • Basic lead attribution
  • Email campaigns (150 free monthly sends) with reporting
  • No Code email builder

Expand your marketing with additional customization and reporting options and SMS marketing campaigns.

$49 per month

Everything in Foundation, plus:

  • A/B Testing for email campaigns
  • No code landing page builder
  • Advanced lead attribution
  • Higher limits on webforms
  • Marketing SMS Campaigns (150 monthly credits included)
  • Advanced forms and campaign reporting

Choose your Engagement Suite plan

Enhance your sales platform with Nutshell Engagement. Engagement Foundation is included for free with any Nutshell Sales subscription and includes form tracking and webchat capabilities. Engagement Pro adds SMS capabilities for individualized outreach.


Dine anslåede omkostninger

*Nutshell Engagement is only available with an active Nutshell Sales subscription.
*Additional SMS messages can be purchased as an add-on to Engagement Pro or Marketing Pro.

Basic Engagement features included with your Nutshell Sales plan.

$0 per user per month

Included in all plans:

  • Unlimited access to Nutshell Chat during the beta period
  • Allow website visitors to start chats with your team directly from your website
  • Gather information about visitors through forms
  • Assign Chat threads to the right agent
  • Manage Chat threads and save every conversation for later

Send SMS messages to potential and current customers to maximize engagement.

$16 per user per month

Everything in Foundation, plus:

  • Hold personal, two-way conversations via Nutshell SMS
  • Includes a local phone number for your business, so your whole team shares one phone number
  • Send 100 free outbound messages per user
  • Leverage SMS automation to send texts at the right points in your pipeline
  • Og mere til

Choose your add-ons

While Sales and Engagement plans are priced per seat, add-ons are priced on a per-company basis.

*All add-ons require an active Nutshell Sales subscription to purchase.

$37 per month

Discover and add more sales opportunities to your CRM

  • ProspectorIQ: find new cold prospects to sell to.
  • PeopleIQ: find and add contact information of people who work for companies in your CRM.
  • VisitorIQ: turn cold website visitors into warm outbound prospects.
Up to 100 credits
100 5,000
$15 per month

Additional SMS Messages

Need to send more text messages? Get additional SMS credits that fit your messaging needs.

  • Monthly credits can be used for both SMS campaigns and 1-1 messaging.
  • SMS messaging requires Engagement Pro or Marketing Pro
  • Currently SMS messaging is only available to businesses located in the US and Canada
Up to 250 messages
250 100,000

Dine anslåede omkostninger

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Prøv Nutshell gratis i 14 dage

Tak skal du have! Din indsendelse er blevet modtaget!
Ups! Noget gik galt, da du indsendte formularen.

Ingen kreditkort kræves pil


Vi skiftede fra Salesforce efter seks års brug, og vores salgsteam kunne ikke være mere tilfredse.

Matthew W. SafetySync

Nutshell er uden tvivl det mest brugervenlige CRM, jeg nogensinde har brugt. ELSKER ELSKER ELSKER Nutshell!

Phil C. Software Consulting Services, LLC

Vi forlod Hubspot til fordel for Nutshell , fordi Hubspot var for kompleks. Nutshell laver software til mennesker.

Daniel H. EOS

Helt fantastisk kunde- og produktsupport. Jeg er forelsket i Nutshell både indvendigt og udvendigt.

Mike C. Chesser Roe

Nutshell har hjulpet mine medarbejdere med at frigøre bogstaveligt talt 50 % af deres tid.

Jennifer A. Eclectic Music


Ofte stillede spørgsmål

  • Er der en grænse for antallet af kontakter, jeg kan tilføje til Nutshell?

    Nope! Nutshell comes standard with unlimited CRM contacts and no data limits. Nutshell Campaigns subscriptions require an additional monthly charge based on your number of marketable contacts. Foundation does have a limit of 100 open leads.

  • Hvordan kan jeg importere mine kontakter til Nutshell?

    Det er nemt at få dine medarbejdere ind på Nutshell fra en hvilken som helst kilde - du skal bare lægge dine kontakter ind i en CSV-fil, vælge de relevante felter på Nutshell og importere! Vi har en nyttig video, der gennemgår processen, eller du kan kontakte vores supportteam for at få hjælp.

  • Så hvad er en "marketingkontakt"?

    Godt spørgsmål! En marketingkontakt er en person på Nutshell , som har mindst én e-mailadresse, og som ikke har afmeldt sig din kommunikation eller er hoppet af tidligere henvendelser.

  • Skal jeg bruge IT til at implementere Nutshell?

    Kun hvis du spilder din kaffe på tastaturet. Nutshell er et cloud-baseret værktøj, der er lige til at gå til, så det er ikke nødvendigt at involvere teknikere. Og det betyder, at du også kan bruge det hvor som helst.

  • Virker Nutshell på min mobiltelefon eller tablet?

    Det kan du tro, den gør. Hvis du har en iPhone eller Android-telefon, tilbyder vi apps, som du kan downloade gratis i App Store eller Google Play Store.

    Hvis du bruger en tablet (som en iPad eller Surface), er Nutshell responsivt designet til at fungere problemfrit fra din browser.

  • Virker Nutshell med min e-mail?

    Jep. Nutshell fungerer med alle e-mailudbydere og -klienter, inklusive Google og Outlook. Du behøver aldrig at bekymre dig om, at din e-mail ikke synkroniseres med Nutshell.

  • Hvad gør jeg, hvis jeg har brug for hjælp?

    Bare kontakt os! Vi dækker dig ind. Vi mener, at hver eneste bruger - uanset om du lige er kommet i gang med din prøveperiode, eller du har været kunde i mange år - fortjener hjælpsom support.

  • Hvorfor er der ikke en årlig betalingsmulighed for Nutshell Campaigns?

    It’s hard to predict how many marketing contacts a growing business will gain over the course of a year. Instead of asking our customers to predict how many contacts they think they’ll need during an annual subscription, we think it’s easier to charge Nutshell Campaigns users month-to-month, so you can increase your contact limit as needed.

  • Jeg betaler ikke for Nutshell Campaigns, og alligevel synes jeg at have adgang til det i min Nutshell konto. Hvad sker der her?

    Bare rolig, vi giver dig bare en lille smagsprøve på huset. Nutshell kunder kan stadig sende 150 leverede marketingmails om måneden (inklusive testbeskeder), selv uden et betalt abonnement.

    Med en betalt Nutshell Campaigns abonnement, har dit team en månedlig sendegrænse svarende til 8X din kontaktgrænse.

Se Nutshell i aktion!

Prøv Nutshell gratis i 14 dage, eller lad os vise dig rundt, før du kaster dig ud i det.

Slut dig til mere end 30.000 andre professionelle inden for salg og marketing. Abonner på vores Sell to Win-nyhedsbrev!