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"Nutshell es muy fácil de usar e intuitivo

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"Nutshell es a la vez sencillo y potente

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Simplifique su proceso de ventas

Features & Benefits

Nutshellhacen que sea más fácil:

  • Automatice su flujo de trabajo y reduzca las tareas manuales
  • Centralice los datos de sus clientes y gestione sus pipelines
  • Comuníquese con sus clientes y colabore con su equipo
  • Rellene Nutshell con datos e informe a sus estrategias de marketing.
  • Obtenga asistencia gratuita y útil

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Soluciones CRM intuitivas desde 2009

CRM features that boost your sales effectiveness

Automatización de ventas

Put time-wasting tasks on autopilot so your team can focus on building relationships and nurturing leads through your sales pipeline.

Gestión de oleoductos

Create custom pipelines and manage them easily with multiple views to nurture leads efficiently and stay on top of every deal.

Informes y análisis

Provides robust reporting and analytics to help you track your team’s performance and to help you gain quick insights with automated reporting.

Automatización del correo electrónico

Increase sales efficiency with Nutshell’s powerful email automation tool. Create personalized campaigns & track success right in your CRM

Inteligencia artificial

Streamline daily processes using the generative power of AI in Nutshell to simplify sales activities and open up a world of possibilities.

Web Form Builder

Capture fácilmente la información de los clientes y cree automáticamente nuevos contactos y clientes potenciales en su CRM con Nutshell Forms.

Programador de reuniones

Create and manage virtual meetings and sync the information with your Calendar without leaving your CRM.

Colaboración en equipo

Store customer notes, interactions and easily bring colleagues into the conversation and stay notified of everything that needs your attention.

Gestión de contactos

Improve calendar, email, & contact organization from any source with Nutshell’s contact management software.


Search through over 200 million contacts, add ideal customers to your CRM, and connect with your future buyers.

Website Visitor Identification

Pinpoint the companies and individuals visiting your site so you can proactively target warm leads.

Contact Enrichment

Locate specific individuals working at the companies in your book of business and reveal their contact information so you can start the conversation.

Atribución de clientes potenciales

With channel and source data automatically added to your new leads, you can know where your best leads come from and invest smarter in your marketing.

Marketing por correo electrónico

Create custom audiences and send targeted emails with your CRM data to help you close more leads.

Páginas de destino

Build, publish and manage landing pages for your digital marketing campaigns—no coding required. Add your forms and meeting scheduler to learn more about visitors.

Atención al cliente gratuita

Connect with our world-class support team to get fast, friendly, and free support when needed.

Email and Calendar sync

Easily sync your email and calendar with Nutshell to make your CRM work where you do.


Send, receive and manage text messages with contacts through Nutshell SMS.

Nutshell Chat

Allow website visitors to start chatting with your team directly from your customized chat widget so you can meet their needs and open more opportunities.

Features Page Icon Security

Nos tomamos muy en serio la seguridad y fiabilidad de sus datos. Colaboramos con el proveedor de infraestructuras más fiable del sector, Amazon Web Services.

App Marketplace

Integrate Nutshell with the rest of your tech stack

un logotipo para Nutshell con un icono Nutshell en el centro
Compare Features by Plan

See what features are available on each one of our CRM tiers


Let’s Talk

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El mejor CRM de ventas y marketing de acción siguiente del mercado

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un cubo azul y un círculo amarillo están en una balanza

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