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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right

Track and Identify Website Visitors

Visitor IQ

Pinpoint the people visiting your website so you can proactively target warm leads. VisitorIQ provides access to essential details like company revenue and location and individuals’ contact information—helping you enhance B2B strategies.

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See VisitorIQ features

Uma tela VisitorIQ mostra uma lista de clientes potenciais e oportunidades que visitam seu site

Reveal the companies and people visiting your site

With VisitorIQ, you don’t need website visitors to fill out a form to learn more about them. Easily track everyone visiting your site and gain access to key information about them and their companies.


Uncover business and contact information to warm up cold leads

In just a few clicks, VisitorIQ reveals company information like revenue, location, industry and number of employees, as well as information for individuals like name, job title and contact details. You’ll gain everything you need to qualify and contact potential leads.

Uma tela VisitorIQ mostra uma lista de clientes potenciais e oportunidades que visitam seu site


Measure interest in your offerings through page visits

Track page visits and length of time per visit, so you get insider understanding of what interests visitors most. With the information gathered through VisitorIQ, you no longer need to blindly approach companies and ask for a sale—you can proactively target key individuals who are already interested in your business.

Filter visitors to pinpoint your ideal customers

Zero in on visitors in specific industries, management levels, job fields, and available contact information so you only get the results that matter most.


Add more valuable prospects to your CRM

As part of the Nutshell IQ add-on, VisitorIQ is part of your larger strategy to discover and add more high-value opportunities to Nutshell. Discover the rest of the Nutshell IQ toolkit.

VisitorIQ is available in our Nutshell IQ Add-On

Identify the companies…

and people visiting your company’s site

Reveal company and…

individual information to qualify potential leads

Unlock and add People…

and Companies to Nutshell from your VisitorIQ results

Save your filters…

in VisitorIQ to quickly find your ideal customers

Get 10 free Nutshell IQ credits…

with any Nutshell Sales plan so you can try out VisitorIQ

With Nutshell IQ…

you also get PeopleIQ to help enrich more information

Veja o Nutshell em ação!

Experimente o Nutshell gratuitamente por 14 dias ou deixe-nos mostrar a você tudo antes de mergulhar de cabeça.

É uma ferramenta muito útil e pode ser personalizada para atender às suas necessidades. Eu gostaria de ter começado a usar o Nutshell mais cedo!

Melissa H. Grupo G.A. Richards

Software de crescimento poderoso para todos os orçamentos.

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