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"Nutshell é muito fácil de utilizar e intuitivo

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"Nutshell é simultaneamente simples e poderoso

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Automatizar actividades que não são de venda

Automação de vendas CRM

Nutshell puts time-wasting tasks on autopilot with powerful automations, so your team can focus on building relationships and nurturing leads through your sales pipeline.

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Conceba o seu processo de vendas perfeito

Nutshell helps you unearth your business’s current sales process, and lets you customize and automate your pipelines for maximum efficiency. By defining how the CRM auto-assigns leads to your reps and providing your team with guidance and reminders at each stage of the sale, you’ll prevent important deals from falling through the cracks.

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Reduzir as suas "actividades não comerciais"

No more manually moving leads through your pipeline: Nutshell automatically advances your leads from stage to stage through your sales pipeline once they’ve met your defined goals, and updates the lead confidence for you. Use Nutshell Campaign‘s automated drip sequences to send the right message to your prospects at the right time, without having to spend all day updating lists.

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Fornecer a orientação de que a sua equipa necessita

Nutshell mostra aos seus representantes exatamente o que têm de fazer para avançar cada lead (juntamente com algumas orientações valiosas do chefe). Os lembretes automatizados garantem que os representantes de vendas concluam cada tarefa da fase do pipeline a tempo e ajudam a acelerar a integração de novos representantes de vendas.

Nutshell CRM vendas pipeline automação do funil de vendas captura de ecrã

Medir o seu impacto

By creating consistency in how and when leads move from stage to stage, Nutshell allows sales managers and business leaders to accurately evaluate the health of their sales funnel and make targeted improvements. (Learn more about Nutshell’s powerful Funnel report and other sales analytics tools here.)

Gerar mais respostas sem sequer tentar

How many more deals could you close if you didn’t have to spend half your day writing emails? Nutshell’s powerful personal email sequences can be automatically triggered from the pipeline stage of your choice, and they’ll shut off as soon as your prospect replies. From your first touch to your last “breakup” email, we’ll remember the follow-up for you.

Veja por dentro as sequências de correio eletrónico pessoal

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CRM features that boost your sales effectiveness

Automatização das vendas

Put time-wasting tasks on autopilot so your team can focus on building relationships and nurturing leads through your sales pipeline.

Gestão de condutas

Create custom pipelines and manage them easily with multiple views to nurture leads efficiently and stay on top of every deal.

Relatórios e análises

Provides robust reporting and analytics to help you track your team’s performance and to help you gain quick insights with automated reporting.

Automatização de correio eletrónico

Increase sales efficiency with Nutshell’s powerful email automation tool. Create personalized campaigns & track success right in your CRM

Inteligência Artificial

Streamline daily processes using the generative power of AI in Nutshell to simplify sales activities and open up a world of possibilities.

Web Form Builder

Recolha facilmente informações sobre os clientes e crie automaticamente novos contactos e oportunidades no seu CRM com Nutshell Forms.

Programador de reuniões

Create and manage virtual meetings and sync the information with your Calendar without leaving your CRM.

Colaboração em equipa

Store customer notes, interactions and easily bring colleagues into the conversation and stay notified of everything that needs your attention.

Gestão de contactos

Improve calendar, email, & contact organization from any source with Nutshell’s contact management software.


Search through over 200 million contacts, add ideal customers to your CRM, and connect with your future buyers.

Website Visitor Identification

Pinpoint the companies and individuals visiting your site so you can proactively target warm leads.

Atribuição de leads

With channel and source data automatically added to your new leads, you can know where your best leads come from and invest smarter in your marketing.

Marketing por correio eletrónico

Create custom audiences and send targeted emails with your CRM data to help you close more leads.

Páginas de destino

Build, publish and manage landing pages for your digital marketing campaigns—no coding required. Add your forms and meeting scheduler to learn more about visitors.

Apoio ao cliente gratuito

Connect with our world-class support team to get fast, friendly, and free support when needed.

Email and Calendar sync

Easily sync your email and calendar with Nutshell to make your CRM work where you do.


Send, receive and manage text messages with contacts through Nutshell SMS.

Nutshell Conversa

Allow website visitors to start chatting with your team directly from your customized chat widget so you can meet their needs and open more opportunities.

Features Page Icon Security

Levamos a sério a segurança e a fiabilidade dos seus dados. Temos uma parceria com o fornecedor de infra-estruturas mais fiável do sector, a Amazon Web Services.

App Marketplace

Integrate Nutshell with the rest of your tech stack

um logótipo para Nutshell com um ícone Nutshell no meio
Compare Features by Plan

See what features are available on each one of our CRM tiers

Precisa de um CRM de fácil utilização para aumentar as vendas e a eficiência da equipa?

Faça a nossa visita guiada para explorar as incríveis características do Nutshell!

A principal caraterística que todos nós adoramos é a componente do processo de vendas. Criámos um processo de vendas fantástico em Nutshell que nos levou a ter uma taxa de fecho de cerca de 30% para todas as nossas oportunidades.

Matthew W. Gestor de Produtos SafetySync

Master your sales strategy

Explore our blog for expert tips to streamline your sales processes and enhance lead nurturing.

Software de crescimento potente para todos os orçamentos

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