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Nutshell puts time-wasting tasks on autopilot with powerful automations, so your team can focus on building relationships and nurturing leads through your sales pipeline.
Nutshell helps you unearth your business’s current sales process, and lets you customize and automate your pipelines for maximum efficiency. By defining how the CRM auto-assigns leads to your reps and providing your team with guidance and reminders at each stage of the sale, you’ll prevent important deals from falling through the cracks.
No more manually moving leads through your pipeline: Nutshell automatically advances your leads from stage to stage through your sales pipeline once they’ve met your defined goals, and updates the lead confidence for you. Use Nutshell Campaign‘s automated drip sequences to send the right message to your prospects at the right time, without having to spend all day updating lists.
Experimente Nutshell gratuitamente durante 14 dias ou deixe-nos mostrar-lhe tudo antes de mergulhar de cabeça.
Nutshell mostra aos seus representantes exatamente o que têm de fazer para avançar cada lead (juntamente com algumas orientações valiosas do chefe). Os lembretes automatizados garantem que os representantes de vendas concluam cada tarefa da fase do pipeline a tempo e ajudam a acelerar a integração de novos representantes de vendas.
By creating consistency in how and when leads move from stage to stage, Nutshell allows sales managers and business leaders to accurately evaluate the health of their sales funnel and make targeted improvements. (Learn more about Nutshell’s powerful Funnel report and other sales analytics tools here.)
How many more deals could you close if you didn’t have to spend half your day writing emails? Nutshell’s powerful personal email sequences can be automatically triggered from the pipeline stage of your choice, and they’ll shut off as soon as your prospect replies. From your first touch to your last “breakup” email, we’ll remember the follow-up for you.
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A principal caraterística que todos nós adoramos é a componente do processo de vendas. Criámos um processo de vendas fantástico em Nutshell que nos levou a ter uma taxa de fecho de cerca de 30% para todas as nossas oportunidades.
Matthew W. Gestor de Produtos SafetySync
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