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"Nutshell er både enkelt og kraftfullt

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Accelerate business growth with Nutshell’s robust

CRM Sales Suite Features

Nutshell’s Sales Suite gives your sales team:

  • Extensive sales features to meet your business needs
  • App integrations to streamline your sales processes
  • Email & calendar sync to simplify interactions and appointments
  • Customizable pipelines to align with how you sell
  • Sales automation to save time and keep your team on track

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Compare Nutshell’s Sales Suite features by plan

Vi har levert intuitive CRM-løsninger siden 2009

CRM features that boost your sales effectiveness


Put time-wasting tasks on autopilot so your team can focus on building relationships and nurturing leads through your sales pipeline.

Håndtering av rørledninger

Create custom pipelines and manage them easily with multiple views to nurture leads efficiently and stay on top of every deal.

Rapportering og analyse

Provides robust reporting and analytics to help you track your team’s performance and to help you gain quick insights with automated reporting.

Automatisering av e-post

Increase sales efficiency with Nutshell’s powerful email automation tool. Create personalized campaigns & track success right in your CRM

Kunstig intelligens

Streamline daily processes using the generative power of AI in Nutshell to simplify sales activities and open up a world of possibilities.


Create and manage virtual meetings and sync the information with your Calendar without leaving your CRM.

Samarbeid i team

Store customer notes, interactions and easily bring colleagues into the conversation and stay notified of everything that needs your attention.


Improve calendar, email, & contact organization from any source with Nutshell’s contact management software.


Search through over 200 million contacts, add ideal customers to your CRM, and connect with your future buyers.

Website Visitor Identification

Pinpoint the companies and individuals visiting your site so you can proactively target warm leads.

Contact Enrichment

Locate specific individuals working at the companies in your book of business and reveal their contact information so you can start the conversation.


With channel and source data automatically added to your new leads, you can know where your best leads come from and invest smarter in your marketing.

Gratis kundestøtte

Connect with our world-class support team to get fast, friendly, and free support when needed.

Email and Calendar sync

Easily sync your email and calendar with Nutshell to make your CRM work where you do.

Features Page Icon Security

Vi tar sikkerheten og påliteligheten til dataene dine på alvor. Vi samarbeider med bransjens mest pålitelige infrastrukturleverandør, Amazon Web Services.

App Marketplace

Integrate Nutshell with the rest of your tech stack

See Nutshell’s Marketing Features

Find out more about Nutshell’s extensive range of Marketing Suite features

See Nutshell’s Engagement Features

Learn more about Nutshell’s industry-leading Engagement Suite features

en logo for Nutshell med et Nutshell -ikon i midten
See all of Nutshell’s features

Discover the broad spectrum of features and tools available to Nutshell customers

Nutshell can do more for your business!

Find out more about our Marketing and Engagement Suite features designed to help you generate more leads and stay connected with your customers.


Let’s Talk

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The best next-action Sales, Marketing, & Engagement CRM on the market

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Bli med over 30 000 andre fagfolk innen salg og markedsføring. Abonner på nyhetsbrevet Sell to Win!