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Nutshell is an all-in-one CRM and email marketing platform that helps B2B organizations work together to win more deals. QuickBooks Online gives businesses a simple way to manage their daily sales and expenses, invoice their customers, and accept payments. Together…they’re magic.
Vår innfødte integrasjon for QuickBooks Online reduserer travelt arbeid og hindrer fakturaer i å gli gjennom sprekkene.
Vi har en innebygd integrasjon som lar deg:
Merk: Nutshell tilbyr også en Zapier-integrasjon, som sørger for at Nutshell og QuickBooks Online-postene dine synkroniseres begge steder, og fakturerer kunder automatisk når de får en lead i Nutshell.
In addition to our built-in integration, our Marketplace integration with QuickBooks powers:
We offer many instant integrations — such as Google, Microsoft and Quickbooks. Our App Marketplace gives you additional flexibility to connect Nutshell with many other software applications. Even better, with our Marketplace service, we’ll set up, maintain and eat the costs of your Zapier connections to Nutshell. You get all the Zaps with no strings attached.
Have more questions about this integration? Start a free trial and chat with our sales team!
Du trenger en Nutshell -konto (fra 16 dollar per måned) og en QuickBooks Online-konto (fra 12,50 dollar per måned).
Prøv Nutshell gratis i 14 dager, eller la oss vise deg rundt før du kaster deg ut i det.
Nevnte vi at vi er blant de beste CRM-ene som integreres med Quickbooks?
Bli med over 30 000 andre fagfolk innen salg og markedsføring. Abonner på nyhetsbrevet Sell to Win!
Use our calculator to add up your total investment of CRM and Add-ons