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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right

Generate More Leads Inside Your CRM

Connect with more of your future buyers and spend less time doing it. You define your ideal customer and ProspectorIQ does the heavy lifting, so you can add new contacts to your CRM and start making more sales.

Contato com Vendas Iniciar uma avaliação gratuita

See ProspectorIQ features by plan

creating a lead using ProspectorIQ in Nutshell

Search through our database of over 200 million contacts

You know who would make a great customer for your business—but reaching them is the hard part. ProspectorIQ, part of the Nutshell IQ add-on, defines your ideal customers by criteria you choose, like job title, industry, company size, and more. Then ProspectorIQ finds exactly the people and companies you’re looking for and reveals their contact information, like email, LinkedIn, and phone number.

Nutshell ProspectorIQ dashboard

Add prospects to Nutshell and start reaching out

Found a few contacts that look like a good fit? Add them to Nutshell in just a few clicks to fill your pipelines and start building relationships. Pair ProspectorIQ with other tools like sales automation and Nutshell Campaigns to connect seamlessly and get your message in front of more people.

Save filter lists for faster searching

Once you’ve defined your ideal customers, save your filter lists so you can run your search again next month. The ProspectorIQ database updates regularly so you can continue finding new leads.

ProspectorIQ is available in our Nutshell IQ Add-On

Search our database of over 200 million people and companies in the United States

Customize your search filters Filters include name, contact information available, industry, location, company size, person role, and title

Create new People and Leads in Nutshell from prospects

Save PeopleIQ filter sets for use later

Get 10 free Nutshell IQ credits so you can try out ProspectorIQ

um logotipo para Nutshell Foundation  com uma bolota
$16 por usuário por mês
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Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Um logotipo Nutshell Pro  com uma bolota laranja em um fundo azul
$42 por usuário por mês
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Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Nutshell Logotipo do Power AI
$52 por usuário por mês
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
um logotipo para Nutshell Enterprise
$67 por usuário por mês
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Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado
Ícone de cheque circulado

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Experimente o Nutshell gratuitamente por 14 dias ou deixe-nos mostrar a você tudo antes de mergulhar de cabeça.

É uma ferramenta muito útil e pode ser personalizada para atender às suas necessidades. Eu gostaria de ter começado a usar o Nutshell mais cedo!

Melissa H. Grupo G.A. Richards

Software de crescimento poderoso para todos os orçamentos.

Junte-se a mais de 30.000 outros profissionais de vendas e marketing. Assine nosso boletim informativo Sell to Win!