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Plan Comparison

Prices listed below are for our annual plans.


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Aprimore seu CRM

Nutshell Sales plans are priced per seat.

With the exception of Nutshell Engagement, the products below are priced per company.

Engage with website visitors, leads and customers at every stage of your sales process.

A partir de

$0 per month with a Nutshell Sales subscription

  • Allow visitors to message you through a chat widget on your website
  • Pro plans include SMS messaging with automation, communication timelines and more
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Easy to use Email marketing and audiences

A partir de

$0 per month with a Nutshell Sales subscription

  • Design emails and landing pages with no code or use our pre-built templates
  • Newsletters, Broadcasts and Automated Drip sequences
  • Easily create audiences from your CRM
  • A/B testing and reporting suite available
  • Bulk SMS messaging is available
  • Price based on number of contacts
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logo for Nutshell IQ

Discover and add more sales opportunities to your CRM.

A partir de

$37 por empresa por mês

Includes features like

  • ProspectorIQ for cold outreach
  • VisitorIQ to get the contact info of people visiting your website
  • PeopleIQ to get in front of the right person to close the deal
  • Price based on monthly usage. 100 Credits for $37
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Junte-se a mais de 30.000 outros profissionais de vendas e marketing. Assine nosso boletim informativo Sell to Win!