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CRM til styring af pipelines

Nutshell's fleksible pipelinestyringsvisninger og leadsporingsfunktioner giver dine repræsentanter mulighed for at pleje leads på den måde, der fungerer for dem.

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Board view er den interaktive måde at styre din pipeline på og spore leads i dit CRM. Træk og slip leads til næste salgstrin, og marker leads som vundet, tabt eller annulleret. Overvåg den generelle sundhedstilstand i din pipeline, og se hurtigt, hvad der skal gøres som det næste.


List view is the most traditional approach for optimal lead and pipeline tracking and management. In our sales pipeline CRM, view your pipeline leads in rows and sort by columns based on the age of the lead, stage, confidence, value, and more.


Ideal for outside sales reps, Map view shows exactly where your companies and people are located, helping you plan for on-site meetings and scheduling activities. Want to find your best leads on the go? Our free iPhone app lets you quickly view any lead list or filtered lead segment in a zoomable, smooth-scrolling map.


Chart view quickly details your lead trends by timeframe, quantity, and value in an easy-to-read graph, making it a great method for tracking your pipeline and leads.

Nutshell Skærmbillede af CRM-pipeline management og lead tracking i diagramvisning

Varme leads!

Are your leads hot or not? Hot leads let you prioritize the prospects that are most meaningful to you, so you know exactly where to focus your attention. Whether a lead is brand new or already in your pipeline, you can “heat it up” in one click, and it’ll immediately be front-and-center on your lead views, dashboard, and to-do lists. Learn more about hot leads here!

Nutshell Skærmbillede af CRM-pipeline management og lead tracking hot leads

Blykort, der kan tilpasses

Need to tailor the information stored on your lead board cards? Now you can choose which fields are displayed and reorder them to support your team’s process. Switch up the customization for each of your company’s pipelines so lead board cards show the most important data for your team’s needs. Learn more here!

Administrer din pipeline ubesværet med det bedste next-action CRM til salg og marketing

Hvad er next-action-salg?

En gruppe mennesker kigger på klistermærker på en glasvæg med ordet doin skrevet på.

Den største fordel er at spore dine leads, og hvor de kommer fra. Det har været meget nyttigt at tagge hvert lead og se på dem på kortvisningen for at evaluere vores marketingindsats.

April M. Territorial salgsrepræsentant Lira Clinical

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Det behøver ikke at være kompliceret at lave pipelines

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