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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right

Enrich Contacts in Your CRM

a palavra "pessoas" está escrita a branco sobre um fundo azul

Locate specific individuals working at the companies in your book of business and reveal their contact information. PeopleIQ makes it easier to move deals along by finding the right person for your message.

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See PeopleIQ features


Proactively search for and identify decision-makers

Need to reach a company you already have in Nutshell, but don’t know who to reach out to? PeopleIQ offers a list of targeted contacts working at your businesses in Nutshell so you can identify the right person for your message.

Identify possible matches from any company page

When PeopleIQ identifies contacts at a company that match your search criteria, it alerts you so you can add new people to your CRM in just a few clicks. Plus, reveal their phone, email, and LinkedIn to start a conversation.

Narrow down suggestions with targeted filters

Set up PeopleIQ filters to find contacts at specific management levels and job fields, and decide which types of contact information you need to get the relationship going.

Add more valuable prospects to your CRM

As part of the Nutshell IQ add-on, PeopleIQ is part of your larger strategy to discover and add more high-value opportunities to Nutshell. Discover the rest of the Nutshell IQ toolkit.

PeopleIQ is available in our Nutshell IQ Add-On

Identify the right points of contact…

so you can proactively move deals along

Reveal contact information…

to qualify potential leads and get your message

Unlock and add People…

to Nutshell from your PeopleIQ results

Save your filters…

in PeopleIQ to quickly find your ideal customers

Get 10 free Nutshell IQ credits…

with any Nutshell Sales plan so you can try out VisitorIQ

With Nutshell IQ…

you also get VisitorIQ and ProspectorIQ

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Melissa H. Grupo G.A. Richards

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