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"Nutshell er både enkelt og kraftfullt

en logo for Nutshell med et Nutshell -ikon i midten

Partner Program

Join forces with Nutshell and unlock a world of opportunities. As a partner, you’re not just connecting your clients or audience with cutting-edge customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. You’re also opening doors to growth and success—for them and for you.


Hvorfor samarbeide med Nutshell?

  • Earn 20% commissions for every new customer you refer to Nutshell. Our transparent commission structure ensures you reap the rewards of your efforts. Learn more about how commissions work.
  • It’s easy to get started with our Partner Program. All you need to do is refer leads to Nutshell through your unique partner link and watch the commissions roll in as those leads become customers. Plus, there are never any fees or minimum sales requirements.
  • Partner with a CRM trusted by thousands of businesses worldwide. Nutshell is renowned for its intuitive interface, powerful features, and exceptional customer support.
  • Access marketing resources and support to help you promote Nutshell effectively, including setup guides, marketing playbooks, and one-on-one assistance. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, we’re here to help you succeed.

chart showing partner program earnings in one year when referring one customer per month

Er du klar til å samarbeide med oss?


Who is Nutshell?

At Nutshell, we create powerful, easy-to-use sales, marketing, and engagement software that tells teams what’s next at each stage of the sales cycle.

Launched in 2009 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our CRM software supports sales teams, marketing professionals, and small business owners at over 5,000 companies across 50 countries and numerous industries.

Want to learn more about Nutshell?

Get to know Nutshell by exploring our features or attending a live demo.


Da vi evaluerte CRM-systemer, var det oppkoblingstid og pris som avgjorde valget mellom Nutshell og Salesforce. Nutshell vant på begge punkter (med stor margin). Salesforce kostet 10 ganger så mye per måned for det vi ønsket.

Jason C. Arrow Container Corp.

Helt fantastisk kunde- og produktsupport. Jeg er forelsket i Nutshell innvendig og utvendig.

Mike C.

Nutshells kundeservice har vært fantastisk. Ikke bare er de raske til å svare, men det er også godt å vite at de tar imot brukernes forslag og implementerer dem hvis de kan forbedre produktet.

Michelle M. Landsomfattende Aquastore, In

Den perfekte blandingen av funksjonalitet og brukervennlighet! Jeg kan ikke tro hvor bra Nutshell er!

Alan P. Skytop Bedriftslån

Jeg elsker elsker elsker elsker Nutshell!...Veldig enkelt å bruke og jeg kom i gang på kort tid. Støtten er utmerket og super vennlig også.

Shane K. Smalls

Hvem kan bli med i partnerprogrammet?

We’re looking for partners who:

  • Want to help businesses thrive with top-notch CRM solutions
  • Have an audience of sales and marketing professionals, business owners, or business leaders
  • Want to earn commissions on new customers they refer through affiliate links
en karikaturtegning av to personer som snakker med hverandre

Examples of successful partners include:

  • Review sites
  • Blog and website publishers
  • Content creators
  • Social media influencers
  • Consultants and coaches
  • Software marketplaces
  • Business service providers
en karikaturtegning av en kvinne som sitter foran en datamaskin

Sound like you?

Applying is easy! Send in your application here!

Questions? Explore our FAQs page or contact our team. We’re here to help!

Want more details? Hit the button below to learn more about how to decide if the Nutshell partner program is the right fit for you.

learn more

Slik fungerer det

1. Apply

Fill out a simple application form to kick-start your partnership journey.

2. Get approved

Our team will review your application and get back to you promptly.

3. Start referring

Once approved, start referring clients to Nutshell using your unique partner link.

4. Earn commissions

Sit back and watch your earnings grow as your referrals become Nutshell customers.

Have questions about partnering with Nutshell?

Check out our frequently asked questions page or contact our team.

Er du klar til å bli partner?

Er du interessert i å samarbeide med Nutshell? Trykk på knappen nedenfor for å søke, eller kontakt oss hvis du har spørsmål.

Bli med over 30 000 andre fagfolk innen salg og markedsføring. Abonner på nyhetsbrevet Sell to Win!