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Nutshell IQ is a complete toolkit for finding more qualified leads and making more sales – all inside your CRM! Nutshell IQ includes:
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ProspectorIQ is Nutshell’s person and company prospecting tool solving the problem of lead generation.
ProspectorIQ sources data from our third-party data providers for over 200 million people and companies in the United States, then lets you add them to Nutshell as leads so you can start developing relationships. Customize your people and company filters to narrow your search to your ideal buyers, and ProspectorIQ returns a list of contacts who match your search. Add them to Nutshell in just a few clicks to fill your pipelines and make more sales.
With ProspectorIQ, you can streamline lead generation and save time finding the perfect people and companies for your company’s offerings.
Now, you have the power to proactively find more ideal customers who might be interested in your product or service and seamlessly add them to your CRM.
Nutshell’s VisitorIQ is the ultimate solution to the age-old question of, “Who is visiting my website?”
Med VisitorIQ, kan du nemt spore og identificere de virksomheder og personer, der har besøgt dit websted, selv før de udfylder en formular. Du har også adgang til værdifulde virksomhedsoplysninger som indtægter, antal ansatte og placering samt oplysninger om enkeltpersoner som fuldt navn, jobtitel og kontaktoplysninger.
VisitorIQ fjerner behovet for blindt at nærme sig kundeemner og håbe på et salg - hvilket gør det kolde opkald til et varmt opkald.
Nu har du beføjelse til proaktivt at målrette mod potentielle kunder , der allerede viser interesse for dit produkt eller din tjeneste.
Nutshell's PeopleIQ er den ultimative løsning på problemet med at "komme foran den rigtige person".
PeopleIQ allows you to search and identify more individuals employed at the companies and by the customers you are already working with and have in your CRM. Using PeopleIQ allows you to find names, job titles, phone numbers, email addresses and locations of individuals and then add those individuals as a People record in Nutshell in just a few clicks.
Med PeopleIQ har du nu flere måder at komme foran de rigtige mennesker og undgå vejspærringerne af "lad mig tjekke med..."
Nu har du magten til proaktivt at flytte tilbud sammen ved at have kontaktoplysninger tilgængelige for dig med blot et par klik.
Ønsker du at få mere af dit marketingteam adgang til din VisitorIQ data, men vil ikke betale for en hel CRM-plads? Hvis du har Nutshell Pro eller derover får du Tre pladser kun til markedsføring i Nutshell— helt gratis!
Pladser, der kun er til Marketing, har adgang til alt under afsnittet Marketing i Nutshellherunder:
Indtast din teamstørrelse og den plan, du er interesseret i, så regner vi det ud for dig.
Note: Nutshell IQ is an additional cost to your CRM subscription that starts for as little as $37/month for your company.
$ 192
ÅretNutshell IQ helps you generate more leads, identify the companies visiting your site and find employee contact information to help you get in front of the right person and move deals forward.
1 Bruger/s $
Årlig afgift $
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