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Nutshell Scheduler, our new online meeting scheduler tool available in our Pro, Business and Enterprise CRM plans, keeps your team on top of upcoming meetings and appointments so you can better manage relationships with prospects.
With Nutshell’s online meeting scheduler, you can easily plan, collect, and manage bookings with your team and your prospects, all without leaving Nutshell. Create unique links to Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams meetings, share them through email or on your website, and watch the appointments roll in!
Customize each meeting, whether it’s a client one-on-one or team huddle, with all the information you need right from your CRM with Nutshell’s online meeting scheduler. Add a description, location, duration, booking confirmation message, and more! Plus, give attendees the option to invite additional people — so you can get your message out to everyone who needs to hear it!
Use Nutshell’s native web form builder to include custom forms in your meeting scheduler link. This way, you can gather information about meeting attendees and automatically add a new person, company, or lead in Nutshell with each submission.
Nutshell se chargera d'envoyer des e-mails de confirmation de réservation pour vous, avec tous les détails et l'option de reprogrammation ou d'annulation - pour que tout le monde puisse rester flexible.
Essayez Nutshell gratuitement pendant 14 jours ou laissez-nous vous faire découvrir le site avant de vous y plonger.
C'est un outil très utile qui peut être personnalisé pour répondre à vos besoins. J'aurais aimé commencer à utiliser Nutshell plus tôt !
Melissa H. Groupe G.A. Richards
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