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Craft email marketing campaigns that engage your contacts and track engagement in your CRM. Nutshell Campaigns makes it easy to build and automate successful marketing emails to connect your sales and marketing efforts.
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Whether you’re sending one-off broadcasts, recurring newsletters, or email drip campaigns, Nutshell Campaigns gives you the tools you need to design, schedule, and automate your marketing emails.
Choose from one of our professional email templates or start from scratch. The easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor lets you design customized email marketing campaigns that encourage clicks and convert subscribers. From subject lines to social media buttons and everything in between, build emails that perfectly reflect your brand.
Streamline your workflow with heavy-lifting automations in Nutshell Campaigns. Seamlessly create marketing audiences from tagged contacts and trigger drip campaigns to send at specific pipeline stages—all so you can nourish relationships with the right message at the right time.
With features like A/B testing and enhanced marketing reports, Nutshell Campaigns gives you powerful insight into your campaign performance. Use A/B testing to send campaigns that resonate best with your audience, and leverage marketing reports to determine how your campaigns are working over time.
Since Campaigns is built inside Nutshell, your marketing and sales efforts are more connected than ever. Create marketing audiences from your CRM contacts, track email opens and clicks to measure engagement, and save responses from contacts so your team has all the relevant information at their fingertips.
As part of the Marketing Suite, Nutshell Campaigns is one piece of your larger marketing strategy. Discover the rest of the Marketing Suite. Campaigns is available for Nutshell users with a Marketing Suite license, and features differ by plan.
É uma ferramenta muito útil e pode ser personalizada para atender às suas necessidades. Eu gostaria de ter começado a usar o Nutshell mais cedo!
Melissa H. Grupo G.A. Richards
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