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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Gør dit CRM bedre med

Powerful Marketing Software

Email marketing and Landing page software to help you connect and convert your audiences.

Prøv Nutshell gratis i 14 dage.

    G2 named us a leader in their latest Grid® Report.

    Få mere at vide


    Email marketing and your CRM can be the same tool!

    • Opbyg nemt målgrupper ud fra dine CRM-kontakter
    • E-mail-buildere uden kode (vi leverer også skabeloner)
    • Send udsendelser (engangs), nyhedsbreve (tilbagevendende) eller drypsekvenser
    • Forbind din salgs- og marketingindsats


    Easy-to-build landing pages to convert traffic from your marketing campaigns

    • Ubegrænset oprettelse af destinationssider
    • Nemme, ikke-kode, træk og slip design
    • Over 30 skabeloner at starte fra
    • Evnen til nemt at oprette forbindelse Nutshell Formularer og planlægningsværktøj på din landingsside
    et skærmbillede af en landing page builder på Nutshell dashboardet med ordene "Let's Get Social"

    Vælg den bedste plan til dit team

    Marketing Contacts

    Add 100 contacts
    100 500,000

    Additional SMS Messages

    Add 250 SMS messages
    250 10,000

    Dine anslåede omkostninger

    *Nutshell Marketing is only available with an active Nutshell Sales subscription
    *Currently SMS marketing is only available to businesses located in the United States.
    *Additional SMS messages can also be used with Nutshell Engagement Pro.

    Basic Marketing features included with every Nutshell Sales subscription.

    $0 per month

    Included in all plans:

    • Website buyer journey
    • Basic lead attribution
    • Email campaigns (150 free monthly sends) with reporting
    • No Code email builder

    Expand your marketing with additional customization and reporting options and SMS marketing campaigns.

    $49 per month

    Everything in Foundation, plus:

    • A/B Testing for email campaigns
    • No code landing page builder
    • Advanced lead attribution
    • Higher limits on webforms
    • Marketing SMS Campaigns (150 monthly credits included)
    • Advanced forms and campaign reporting

    Se Nutshell i aktion!

    Prøv Nutshell gratis i 14 dage, eller lad os vise dig rundt, før du kaster dig ud i det.

    View our free Marketing resources

    Over the years, we’ve curated a list of resources to help you with your marketing. These resources include CRM-related tips and digital marketing tips. We’ll continue to add more free resources because we are committed to helping businesses grow!

    Enkel nok til enhver bruger.

    Sofistikeret nok til enhver virksomhed.

    • Find alle kontakter, kunder og samtaler
    • Automatiser din salgsproces
    • Se og følg dine leads
    • Få alle på samme side
    • Rapporter om din præstation
    • Kør effektive e-mail-marketingkampagner

    Start din
    14-dages gratis prøveperiode i dag!

    Intet kreditkort påkrævet
    Tak skal du have! Din indsendelse er blevet modtaget!
    Ups! Noget gik galt, da du indsendte formularen.

    #madprops: Ægte citater fra ægte Nutshell kunder

    Slut dig til mere end 30.000 andre professionelle inden for salg og marketing. Abonner på vores Sell to Win-nyhedsbrev!