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"Nutshell est très convivial et intuitif

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"Facile d'utilisation et... attendez de voir...100% d'adhésion !

"Nutshell est à la fois simple et puissant

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Get more from your CRM system with powerful

CRM Marketing Suite Features

Take advantage of Nutshell’s powerful Marketing Suite features to:

  • Combine your sales and marketing efforts
  • Filter and group your CRM contacts to build the right audiences
  • Create impactful email and SMS drip sequences from your CRM
  • Build high-converting landing pages to attract more leads
  • Design with easy-to-use drag-and-drop tools—zero code required

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Fournir des solutions CRM intuitives depuis 2009

CRM features that boost your marketing effectiveness

Marketing par courrier électronique

Create custom audiences and send targeted emails with your CRM data to help you close more leads.

Automatisation des courriels

Increase sales efficiency with Nutshell’s powerful email automation tool. Create personalized campaigns & track success right in your CRM

Pages d'atterrissage

Build, publish and manage landing pages for your digital marketing campaigns—no coding required. Add your forms and meeting scheduler to learn more about visitors.

Web Form Builder

Saisissez facilement des informations sur les clients et créez automatiquement de nouveaux contacts et prospects dans votre CRM avec Nutshell Forms.

Rapports et analyses

Provides robust reporting and analytics to help you track campaign performance and to help you gain quick insights with automated reporting.

Website Visitor Identification

Pinpoint the companies and individuals visiting your site so you can proactively target warm leads.

Support client gratuit

Connect with our world-class support team to get fast, friendly, and free support when needed.

Features Page Icon Security

Nous prenons au sérieux la sécurité et la fiabilité de vos données. Nous travaillons en partenariat avec le fournisseur d'infrastructure le plus fiable du secteur, Amazon Web Services.

App Marketplace

Integrate Nutshell with the rest of your tech stack

See Nutshell’s Sales Features

Explore the comprehensive selection of features available in Nutshell’s Sales Suite

See Nutshell’s Engagement Features

Learn more about Nutshell’s industry-leading Engagement Suite features

un logo pour Nutshell avec une icône Nutshell au milieu
See all of Nutshell’s features

Discover the broad spectrum of features and tools available to Nutshell customers

Nutshell can do more for your business!

Find out more about our Sales and Engagement Suite features designed to help you nurture leads and stay connected with your customers.


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The best next-action Sales, Marketing, & Engagement CRM on the market

En quoi Nutshell est différent

Comparer les fonctionnalités des CRM

Qu'est-ce qui différencie Nutshell des autres systèmes de gestion de la relation client ?


un cube bleu et un cercle jaune sont sur une échelle

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