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Descubra de onde vêm seus melhores leads com atribuição automática de leads e relatórios.
See where your leads come from without spending time on manual data input. With our Nutshell Analytics technology, channel and source data will automatically be added to your new leads, so you can see exactly where they came from right away.
Want to learn more about your leads? With Nutshell, you’ve got options. Our easy-to-use lead attribution reporting feature (available in Pro subscriptions) breaks down leads and win rate by channel. You can also filter your leads by channel and segment sales, losses, new leads, forecasts, and custom reports by channel.
With automatic lead attribution and reporting, you can better understand your audience and determine which of your campaigns are driving the most leads and sales, helping you to optimize your marketing.
O maior benefício é o rastreamento de seus leads e de onde eles vêm. Tem sido muito útil marcar cada lead e observá-los na visualização de mapa para avaliar nossos esforços de marketing.
April M., Representante de Vendas Territoriais, Global Skincare Company
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