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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Páginas de destino

Create and Host Branded Landing Pages

a blue logo for Nutshell Landing Pages

Build, publish and manage landing pages for your digital marketing campaigns—no coding required. Then add your forms and meeting scheduler to collect important information about page visitors and generate more leads.

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See Landing Page features by plan

uma captura de tela de um construtor de landing page no painel Nutshell com as palavras "Let's Get Social"
Ajudando as equipes a fechar mais leads desde 2009

Build branded landing pages for your marketing campaigns

Create unlimited branded landing pages for your marketing campaigns and host landing pages on your custom domain to enhance brand recognition.

uma captura de tela de um construtor de landing page no painel Nutshell com as palavras "Let's Get Social"

Easily customize your pages to meet your goals

Our no-code drag-and-drop editor makes it a breeze to customize your landing pages for your business and marketing goals. Choose from one of over 30 templates or start from scratch, then add your own colors, images and more.

Generate more leads with landing page integrations

Add Nutshell Forms and your Scheduler link to your landing pages to collect information about and book meetings with page visitors. From a lead’s first landing page visit to their scheduled discovery call and beyond, manage it all inside your CRM.

Enhance your CRM with marketing software

As part of the Marketing Suite, Landing Pages is one piece of your larger marketing strategy that includes email marketing, drip campaigns, reporting and automation. Discover the rest of the Marketing Suite. Landing Pages is available for Nutshell users with a Marketing Suite license, and features differ by plan.

Veja o Nutshell em ação!

Experimente o Nutshell gratuitamente por 14 dias ou deixe-nos mostrar a você tudo antes de mergulhar de cabeça.

É uma ferramenta muito útil e pode ser personalizada para atender às suas necessidades. Eu gostaria de ter começado a usar o Nutshell mais cedo!

Melissa H. Grupo G.A. Richards

Software de crescimento poderoso para todos os orçamentos.

Junte-se a mais de 30.000 outros profissionais de vendas e marketing. Assine nosso boletim informativo Sell to Win!