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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
A CRM With Text Messaging and Web Chat

Engagement Suite

Engage with website visitors, leads and customers at every stage of your sales process with web chat and text messaging in your CRM.

Contacter les ventes Essai gratuit

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Additional Messages

Add 250 messages
250 10,000

Votre coût estimé

*Nutshell Engagement is only available with an active Nutshell Sales subscription.
*Currently SMS messaging is only available to businesses located in the US and Canada.
*SMS messages can also be used with Nutshell Marketing Pro

Basic Engagement features included with any Nutshell Sales subscription.

$0 per user per month

Included in all plans:

  • Unlimited access to Nutshell Chat during the beta period
  • Allow website visitors to start chats with your team directly from your website
  • Gather information about visitors through forms
  • Assign Chat threads to the right agent
  • Manage Chat threads and save every conversation for later

Send SMS messages to potential and current customers to maximize engagement.

$16 per user per month

Everything in Foundation, plus:

  • Hold personal, two-way conversations via Nutshell SMS
  • Includes a local phone number for your business, so your whole team shares one phone number
  • Send 150 free outbound messages per user
  • Leverage SMS automation to send texts at the right points in your pipeline
  • Et plus encore

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When you add Engagement Suite to your Nutshell plan, you unlock:

Nutshell Chat:

  • Allow visitors to start a chat with your agents via the Chat widget on your website
  • Customize the Chat widget to fit your brands and needs
  • View, assign, and manage Chat threads with your agents
  • Create leads for interested prospects directly from the chat
  • Collect information about visitors via forms

Nutshell SMS:

  • Send text messages from any Person, Company or Lead timeline
  • Receive Inbound SMS messages from leads by adding the number to your website, email signature, etc.
  • Automate texts to send at the right stage of your pipeline
  • View, assign, and manage SMS threads with your agents
  • Pin text threads to timelines to keep relevant conversations front and center

Engage with leads through chat and text messaging

Using Nutshell Chat, visitors can connect directly with your team to get their questions answered quickly. And Nutshell SMS empowers you to engage with prospects and buyers through texting. Now, you can track chat and text conversations with your contacts and analyze how they fit into your overall selling strategy.

Manage chats and texts seamlessly from your CRM

With all your contacts in one system, you’ll be able to hold chat and text conversations with the right contacts without wiring tools together. Manage everything from your Engagement Inbox, track conversations from the contact’s page, and start connecting!

Assign chat and text threads to your team

Help your team maintain ownership by assigning chat threads to the right agents and text threads to the right sales rep. Admins can view every conversation in their team’s shared Engagement Inbox, where you can ensure every conversation is headed in the right direction.

Have conversations at just the right time

Quickly give website visitors the answers they need, whether you’re online or off. Plus, leverage SMS automation to send the right message at the right stage in your pipeline, so you can keep your prospects moving smoothly down the funnel!

Let your Leads message you first!

With Inbound SMS your team doesn’t have to be the one to start the text conversation. Simply copy your SMS number to your website, a landing page, a flyer, an email signature, etc. and let your leads or customers message you. All new SMS messages appear in your Nutshell Inbox and are attached to People and Lead timelines.

Redirect phone calls to your SMS number

Since the number that Nutshell provides is only for SMS messages, we make it easy for you to add a forwarding number. When someone calls your company’s SMS number, the call will be forwarded to the number you’ve added.


Let’s Talk

Vous avez une question ? Vous avez besoin d'une remise sur le volume ? Envoyez-nous un message ou prenez rendez-vous avec un représentant pour entamer la conversation.

Suffisamment simple pour être utilisé par n'importe quel utilisateur.

Suffisamment sophistiqué pour s'adapter à toutes les entreprises.

  • Trouver chaque contact, client et conversation
  • Automatiser votre processus de vente
  • Visualisez et suivez vos pistes
  • Faire en sorte que tout le monde soit sur la même longueur d'onde
  • Rapport sur vos performances
  • Mener des campagnes de marketing par courrier électronique efficaces

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View our free Engagement resources

Over the years, we’ve curated a list of resources to help you with your customer engagement. These resources include CRM-related tips, web chat tips, SMS tips, customer support tips and customer success tips. We’ll continue to add more free resources because we are committed to helping businesses grow!

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