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"Nutshell on erittäin käyttäjäystävällinen ja intuitiivinen.

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"Nutshell on sekä yksinkertainen että tehokas

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Streamline lead and customer engagement with Nutshell’s

CRM Engagement Suite Features

With Nutshell’s Engagement Suite features, you can:

  • Connect with customers and leads at every touchpoint via text and web chat
  • Engage with website visitors via the customizable Nutshell Chat widget
  • Send and receive text messages from customers and leads with Nutshell SMS
  • Initiate automated text messaging when a lead moves to a specific pipeline stage
  • View, assign, and manage SMS and chat threads with your team

Ota yhteyttä myyntiin Aloita ilmainen kokeilujakso

Tarjoamme intuitiivisia CRM-ratkaisuja vuodesta 2009

CRM features that boost your engagement effectiveness

Nutshell Chat

Allow website visitors to start chatting with your team directly from your customized chat widget so you can meet their needs and open more opportunities.


Send, receive and manage text messages with contacts through Nutshell SMS.

Ilmainen asiakastuki

Connect with our world-class support team to get fast, friendly, and free support when needed.

Features Page Icon Security

Suhtaudumme vakavasti tietojesi turvallisuuteen ja luotettavuuteen. Teemme yhteistyötä alan luotettavimman infrastruktuurin tarjoajan, Amazon Web Servicesin, kanssa.

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Integrate Nutshell with the rest of your tech stack

See Nutshell’s Sales Features

Explore the comprehensive selection of features available in Nutshell’s Sales Suite

See Nutshell’s Marketing Features

Find out more about Nutshell’s extensive range of Marketing Suite features

Nutshell -logo, jonka keskellä on Nutshell -kuvake.
See all of Nutshell’s features

Discover the broad spectrum of features and tools available to Nutshell customers

Nutshell can do more for your business!

Find out more about our Sales and Marketing Suite features designed to help you nurture leads and stay connected with your customers.


Let’s Talk

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The best next-action Sales, Marketing, & Engagement CRM on the market

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